- The Home Water Assessment is an activity you can do with the whole family – kids will love being involved in measuring and timing!
- The assessment tasks you a series of questions to help you think about how you use water at home. Compare your usual practices with those that are the most water smart, and identify steps to reduce your water usage and impact.
- Conserving water will reduce your home’s energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and save you money.
What do I need?
- A print-out of the Home Water Assessment.
- One hour to complete the assessment.
You will need:
- a pencil,
- a bucket,
- a watch or clock,
- a measuring cup
- some dark food colouring
- a calculator
Want to do more?

Do you meet the prize eligibility criteria of:
- No more than 3 ones, no more than 6 twos and at least 8 threes?
- B.C. resident, one per home.
- Plus a story we can publish on livingwatersmart.ca that outlines the changes you or your household has made for efficient water use in your home.*
*We will not publish your story if you do not wish us to.